Why does a majority of single White women support open borders? One reason: to test the mettle of their own, softening men in mortal combat with the interloper men. Another reason: the invader females of the vibrant races pouring over the US border are ugly. By comparison, average White women look like supermodels. So open borders is a relative white female SMV boost. Mass Dirt World immigration is the equivalent of “standing in good lighting” for White women all the time and everywhere.
It’s a broader application of Sailer’s Law of Female Journalism…
The most heartfelt articles by female journalists tend to be demands that social values be overturned in order that, Come the Revolution, the journalist herself will be considered hotter-looking.
…to include all women.
The solution to our shared single White woman problem is, of course, to turn their SMV weapon against them and advocate for open borders to only women from Bone Zones: East Europe, Russia, Scandinavia, and the Italian Alps schwing to mind. Single White women will suddenly change their minds about welcoming refugees if those refugees are hot, feminine foreign babes stealing all the quality American men.
A reader (Gab: @worden) writes,
I’ve found western women become hostile when i mention that foreign women are moving in on middle class guys.
No doubt. Nothing focuses the mind quite like the threat of a sexual market demotion.
Now that I think of it, the next maul-right rally should meme #OpenBordersForHotties into existence. I honestly can’t think of a bigger trigger of cognitive dissonance in the pussyhat clitlib cuntsortium. What are they gonna do? Cry about closing the border? Cry about hotties? They can’t win. If our single White women have a problem with hotties streaming across the US border, they have to explain if the border policy bothers them or if the hotness of the migrants bothers them. I’m sure they’ll figure out an expedient inconsistency, but it’ll come at the price of making themselves look catastrophically foolish, and that may be all it takes to nudge the marginal cases away from supporting the bitches of the New Witch Order.
Another reader, @AlCynic, writes,
Sounds fair. Sounds humanitarian.
Ukraine is a war zone. Scandinavia is under siege. Belorussia is oppressive.
We must admit these refugees.
It is an act of love.
Humorously, Gabber @Love created some visual memes and slogans to accompany the #OpenBordersForHotties theme.
7 plus? Come on the bus!
The lower 48 need more 8s!
You’re a dime? Skip the line!
The contorted faces of antifa feminist REEtards after catching sight of these sexy memes hoisted high in the air potentially must rank as one of life’s finer pleasures.