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Skip to 13:58 in this 2012 video of a charity boxing match between Prime Menstruator Justine Truvada and Conservative MP Patrick Brazeau for hilarious confirmation that Truvada is a closet case.

Justine is bursting with fruit flavor!

That fight was ridiculous. Were they even trying? Those punches looked like they were thrown at 10% of max power. Trump in his prime could knock out Queen Truvada.

Hey, everyone thank a GAY CANADIAN today for foisting this effete SJW embarrassment on the world stage.

One way Trump could thank Truvada for all normal, healthy men is by calling his bluff.

Trump: “Justine, you say you love refugees and Canada remains open to them, so here’s the deal…we send all our refugees across the border to your hometown. That way, we both win! I keep the refugee riff raff out of my country and you get to moralize about embracing all the refugees stinking up your country. What say you?”

Truvada: “Oooga, thoundth like a plan, big boy!”


It’s not just Truvada’s politics that provoke the disgust response, bad as his views are. It’s everything about him; his demeanor, his smug phaggy virtue signaling snarkiness, his effeminacy, his lemming-like eagerness to latch onto any vapid shitlib cause du jour and parrot equalism shibboleths to the letter….the man is a cipher for every twisted degenerate SJW perspective on earth, the perfect emblem and final product of the end stage of Western gynecracies.


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